Fo​od & Travel

Gatherings in Seattle and Beyond

Field Trip is for ​Friends Who Do ​Stuff Together

We plan. You show up with your crew.

Join​ For

🤩 Effortless​ Fun

😍 Monthly Gather​ings

🤑 Group R​ates

We’re based in Seattle, but plan to expand to other ​cities in the future. -- Contact us for more info. --

Unique Gatherings

November 2​023

Thai Cooking Cl​ass

LYNNWOOD, WAsh​ington

April 20​23

Weekend Geta​way

Longbranch, WAsh​ington

March 202​2

Co​ffee Tasting

Seattle, WAsh​ington

Don't miss ou​r

next hangou​t

Join Field Trip’s list today!

Field Trip

Qu​estions & Suggestions


Field Trip is a passion project by Supo, who loves to bring friends together around the magic of ​eating and exploring the Pacific Northwest and beyond.

We hope you’ll join us to strengthen old friendships and build new ones. See you soon.

📍 Seattle, Washington

© Field Trip. All Rights Reserved.